Is my nikon d200 broken?

Today, I got a Nikon D200. And made an amateur mistake. I removed the memory card by hand, rather than using the eject button. The memory card will no go into the camera now and I can't use it. I'm completely heartbroken. If we took it to a shop, would it be able to get fixed or is there permanent damage inside the camera? Also, about 2 of the pins are bent and my mom contacted her best friend, a professional photographer who gave me the camera, and she said since the pins are bent and i took the memory card out manually, it could be shot. I just need to know if it is completely broken or not.

It is not completely broken, but with bent pins, you need it repaired before you can use it.
Do you have the user manual?
Have you read it?

It's true, you should be shot. Really dumb!
Your camera is in need of serious repair, as in a new memory card slot. That should cost you about $ $200 for repairs.

Take it to the store first we won't know anything without checking the condition of the camera