Nikon SLR Cameras

How to take photos of live music without flash?


I'm an amateur photographer and I was taking photos of a band last night. Without the flash was a nightmare for me because all the photos came out blurry. I put my flash on and they came out wonderful but I feel rude to the band, wanting to take a lot of photos and not wanting to blind and distract them.

I have a nikon d200, can anyone help me figure out how to get the photos I want without them coming out a mess?

Added (1). I have a nikon 18-105mm lens… What can I use that's faster?


You need a faster lens.

What you have is a slow lens. A fast lens is one with a much larger maximum aperture. If you don't know what that means, read a beginner's photography book.


24-70mm f/2.8 and a 70-200mm f/2.8 lens both will help you get the shots you seek. If you are close to the band use the 24-70… You should not be using flash for band photography.

Steve P
Steve P

Did you not try raising your ISO so you could get a faster shutter speed to prevent blur?

Michael M
Michael M

It all depends on the lighting of the stage and band. Unless it's a grundge band playing the dark, you should be able to shoot pretty good available light without a flash.
Before buying a new lens you may not be able to afford, try these settings. Set your camera ISO to 1600 or higher. Set your camera to manual (M) mode to control the aperture and shutter speed. Set the shutter speed to 1/60 maybe 1/30 of a second. They're not athletes racing by, they won't blur. Set the aperture to f/4. Since you are shooting digital, look at your photos and make adjustments. If a bit dark, open the aperture all the way (lowest number) and you can slow the shutter a little more. You can also use the ± compensation on your camera. Use the - if too dark to help compensate.

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