Nikon SLR Cameras

Secretly, is alt/indie music the biggest music genre in the world?


Lol, this is a weird idea.

OK, so right now it might seem like R&B and the Justin Bieber crowd are the definition of 'mainstream'. But I've been thinking. Indie music is everywhere. It's used in so many TV programmes (Grey's Anatomy is a prime example), to evoke emotions in audiences. It's used in adverts to encourage people to buy things (Nikon used Radical Face recently, there are so many other examples).It's used in games too. Even in shows like the X-Factor, the performances best received by the audience seem to be the alt-indie ones (in the UK, that is, and they're usually ballads, but still indie). Even in the Olympics, the commentators noticed how all the competitors from all the different countries seemed to know the lyrics to Oasis' Wonderwall. Also, no one can hate the indie scene in it's entirety. It's impossible, because it's so versatile. You're bound to like at least one indie song (probably Chasing Cars, lol) no matter what genre you're into (except maybe death metal, I dunno… ).

So what do people think? Has indie music, like a ninja, become the biggest music genre in the world without people even noticing?

Haha I know this is ridiculous, but I'd like to see some arguments for and against! Best argument either way wins the points.
Have fun XD

Added (1). @xxhavefaithxx, I agree with you.

Someone else commented on alternative and indie being pointless terms… I kind of feel awkward using them myself, but it's usually the way I explain my music taste to friends because it's so hard to label the majority of music I like. I mean, it wouldn't be true if I said 'I like most types of music', even though the labelled 'alternative' and 'indie' music does tend to incorporate most musical styles…

And sorry to anyone who likes death metal and indie… That was a stupid throwaway comment from me, just because of someone I know… Ignore that. It was a bit noob-ish.

Added (2). A, I'm trying to choose your answer as best, but the thing won't let me. Expect 10 points soon.

Added (3). @A

Interesting point! I'm like you. I grew up with indie music because of my dad and I love it because, like you said, it's so honest, personal and real. I hate it when people say they like/hate music for a reason not to do with the music itself. Hopefully indie music won't get big for all the wrong reasons. Nice argument.


I like death metal and indie (well indie from the 80's and 90's). Stupid noob.


No, but 'alternative' and 'indie' are the most meaningless terms ever put on music.


No. All music is not stuck to one genre. What is indie might also be considered, pop, or something. Take Taylor Swift's music. She's country, but also pop. I think music is just music, and people is just people. Because genres of music evolve from diffrent genres.


No its nu metal


Not sure, but I do think that Indie is becoming more and more popular for all the wrong reasons. Before the thing was always fitting in, but now it seems like everyone is trying their hardest to be different. So many people I've seen are dying their hair strange colors, dressing weird, and listening to indie or hardcore music and they claim its because thats who they are. But they aren't really doing it to be themselves, they're only listening to this music because they want to stand out, they think its making them special. Indie music is big because it's different, and right now people are too caught up with trying to be different then just being themselves and listening to what they want to. I love indie music but I don't go about preaching how weird and different I'm. Indie music is for my own enjoyment, not to advertise how much I stand out from everyone else. I think it has become a huge genre, but I'm a but sad. One of the reasons why I love indie artists is that they sound so honest and real, they are in it for the art, not the fame. All these people pretending to be different and stand out make me sick.