Nikon SLR Cameras

How to reduce the white look in photos taken?

Callum Landells
Callum Landells

Yesterday I was at a football game with my Nikon D7000 and the pictures came out with skin colours very pale how do i reduce this?

Exposure 1/1000
Aperture 3.4
ISO 1000

Thank you

Added (1). Http://


Need to see the images. Adding blacks often helps.


Either you are overexposing your images, or your white balance is off. Giving us your camera settings does no good without a sample photo taken at those settings.


Along the lines of over exposing - if the players were wearing dark uniforms and it was a bright sunny day and the camera was in an automatic mode, like "sports" or Aperture Priority, the camera was trying average out the scene to 18% grey and let more light in to lighten up the dark uniforms. It's times like this that you shoot in manual exposure mode or use exposure compensation.