How to keep blue outlines from forming around white objects reflecting sunlight?

When I take photos of white objects (like flowers) in direct sunlight a blurry blue outline appears. I assume it's because of the light reflecting off the petals and back into the camera lens, but, I don't know how to keep it from happening.
I have a Nikon P90 which is a point-and-shoot camera, but, it's about as close to a DSLR as you can get, without actually being one. It lets me play with all the settings (ISO, shutter speed, aperture, etc) and I don't have to confuse it into doing what I want, like a lot of point-and-shoot's. I'm pretty new to photography, so, if I'm going to need a filter (one that I could hold in front of the lens) or some kind of light reflector, please give me a link.

Chromatic aberration seen commonly is secondary lateral chromatic aberration.
Lay people call this "purple fringing" for the green/magenta artifacts seen at the corners of images on bright, contrasty things.
Nikon ED and Canon L lenses use special glass to reduce fringing
Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom can automatically remove the fringing by using special profiles for each lens used by the photographer
There's a webinar that discusses how to reduce this using Photoshop, but I will have to find it.
Until then, here is one that will help you understand the necessity of calibrating and profiling your monitor

It's called chromatic aberration, it's usually worse with the lower quality lenses you get in a point and shoot - although your Nikon P90 should be better than those small point and shoots. You could try stopping down the aperture a bit, make sure you are setting the exposure for the petals of the flower. Also direct sunlight can be too harsh, try taking a photo in the shade, or on a cloudy day instead.
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