Nikon SLR Cameras

Which compact digital camera?


I want a compact digital camera that is very easy to use and does not have numerous complicated menus. I'm a long term photographer that has primarily used film cameras and therefore used to using hand held light meters and manual settings. I upgraded to a nikon d5000 but find it too complicated when trying to be more creative. As a trade off i'm prepared to change to a compact superzoom digital to simplify things but need one that is basic and easy to use. If only you could by a manual only digital camera with no fancy settings i would be happy! Can anyone help please?


There's no such thing as a manual only digital camera. The manufacturers pack every new model with more and more options and menus, thinking that is what buyers want.


I'm a happy user of Canon digital ixus cameras, I now own my third, but for what you describe it is not the camera for you.
The powershot series, also Canon, have a position on the settings on the outside of the camera that allows you to select the light and time settings.

All SLR cameras I have handled recently also had such a setting on the outside, in Canon (the one I have worked with) has several settings, for time or light preference, so you only have to use one set of buttons to work to get it right for you.

Several of the cheaper brands of super compact cameras have like options, as do most or all DSLRs.
So go to a camera shop where you can see and try cameras before you buy and go for the one that has the easiest settings and still all other options you like, as price, lens, size of the camera, age of the camera as often a good second hand is good enough.