Nikon SLR Cameras

What's the diff between Nikon D3000 and D3100?


I saw the D3000 for cheaper, that i can actually afford. But i've been going for the D3100, which is more… What's the difference? Are they practically the same?


About the same, but the Nikon D3100 is much better. 1080p video recording, live view, and a few other nifty stuff including a CMOS sensor.

Check this out! It also has a side by side review of the two.


They are not at all the same.

The D3000 is a very basic entry level dSLR that replaced the older and still viable Nikon D40

The D3100 is really a much higher end entry level camera which while at a price point of under $700 still has many features that more expensive cameras have plus the amazing ability to shoot Full HD video (1080p) and having the distinction of being the only entry level dSLR that can shoot using auto-focus while in the video mode.


None have an AF motor.

The D3100 has 4 more megapixels (same image quality), higher ISO range with less noise, video with auto focusing. But image quality is the same from both, so if you don't need video, it doesn't matter.

Here's a post called 'Buying a DSLR, what's important, megapixels, features, brand, price, quality and which one to buy -

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