What's a really fast focusing lens for the nikon d5100?

I wanted a really fast focusing lens for sports but i don't want to break the bank.
any ideas?

ALL of the AF-S lenses are ultra fast focusing. Since your camera can only use AF-S lenses if you don't want to manually focus them, you can pick any of these

THE 70-300 VR 2 All THE WAY! Its not that much of expensive and does the job really god
has some vignetting though!

Check out the Nikon 70-300mm af-s vr. It's great for outdoor sports and good light. It's the cheapest fastest focusing telephoto zooom you can buy. There's the 55-200 and 55-300 dx lenses, but they are slow focusing that's why they are cheap.

The 200 f2 II. Oh, you want an inexpensive one… Most inexpensive lenses, unfortunately, do AF slowly. If you want good quality & fast AF, you have to pay the big bucks. The 55-200 is decent considering its low price. Turn the VR, it's not needed for sports. Ace apparently hasn't used a 50 1.4 or 1.8 AF-S (I have), and they do, in fact, auto focus quite slowly. The older AF version actually autofocus faster than them. But AF lenses will not autofocus on your camera.