Fast focusing Nikkor AF-S lenses?

What are some fast focusing Nikkor AF-S lenses?

All AF-S lenses have the ultrafast auto focus motors in them, called "Silent Wave Motors"
They have been used by sports and action photographers since they were introduced and are very accurate and very fast.
I own five of them and they do the job, especially when in the continuous focus mode.

Lenses such as the Nikon AF-S 70-200mm f/2.8 can typically focus in about 0.6 second. In comparison, the less expensive Nikon AF 80-200mm f/2.8, which uses the camera-body focusing motor can focus in about 1.5 sec.
These are maximum focus times; stop to stop (in the focus range).
If you are a professional photographer and want (and can afford) the very best equipment, then shelling out $2, 400 for the AF-S 70-200mm f/2.8 may be worth it. But if you are an amateur photographer on a budget, saving $1, 200 buy buying the AF 80-200mm f/2.8 may be an attractive alternative, albeit there may be situations where the slower speed may make it hard to take certain photos.
Also, the AF lenses will only autofocus with the advanced amateur cameras (all but the entry level D3xxx, D5xxx cameras). And even then, the various model cameras that do have in-body focus motors have motors with different torque values; and with heavy lenses such as the 80-200, one model may focus significantly faster than another - due to the motor's torque on each model.
You do not have any of those issues with AF-S lenses, but you do pay a premium for the pro-grade AF-S lenses for their capability.