Which is fast at focusing nikon or canon?

"For beginner dslr's"

Some model Nikon and Canon cameras can fast focus better than others and these cameras tend to be the ones that advanced amateurs and professional use, so for the fastest camera/lens combinations, expect to spend thousands of dollars.
There are NO beginner digital SLR's because all cameras work exactly the same. That means if you spend $450 on a refurbished Nikon D3200 with a lens or a $45,000 on a Phase One medium format digital camera with no lens, you are still going to have to learn the fundamentals of photography if you which to be able to produce brilliant images each time you press the shutter release
There's a technique called "follow focus" in which the camera is set to continuous focus and by pushing a button on the back of the camera, once the subject is in focus, you can take photo after photo with the subject remaining in focus, even though it is moving

There's no such thing as a beginner's dSLR.
If you're a beginner, all dSLRs are fast in autofocusing.

Depends which model you are looking at.

Depends upon your needs and which models you're comparing. All focus very well. The lens that you buy also affects focusing speed too. So a body with a faster AF system could focus slower than other cameras just because of the lens.
