What's a better camera for a beginner?

A digital camera like a Nikon p100?
or a digital SLR like canon rebel XS or Nikon d3000?
Added (1). Those are the three cameras i like, i have a budget, so don't list any other cameras please.

The Nikon p100. DSLR cameras are not good for beginners. They have all kinds of settings. The Nikon Coolpix is much more user-friendly for beginners.

The Nikon P100 is a good choice for a beginner because you don't have to know what each and every setting on the camera is for to take good pictures. It has an Auto setting which will let the camera choose the best settings for the shot you're taking, but it also has scene modes which will let you have control over the settings once you get more familiar with the camera.

Depends, do you want to take pretty good pictures and that's it or do you want to take pretty good cameras with a camera that will grow as you photographic abilities expand? The dSLR's all have an AUTO EVERYTHING mode that convert them into big point and shoots but the big difference is that the dSLR's will let you try other things as well.

Nikon D3000
This is a great camera for beginners.
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