What camera should I replace my Nikon D90 with?

My Nikon D90 was recently stolen, along with AF-S DX 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6 G ED VR II lens. I should be getting between £1, 000 - £1, 200 from the insurance company to spend on a new camera. Would you recommend replacing it with the same model, or would you perhaps buy something else?
Added (1). Thanks for all the answers everyone. I think I'll take a look at the D7000 as it seems to be the general consensus.
Just to clarify, they're sending me Jessops vouchers for a currently undisclosed amount, although the chap at Jessops did have to get back in touch with the insurance company as they hadn't requested enough vouchers to cover the cost of replacement. I'm still waiting to hear back from either of them to confirm just what the amount will be.

Sorry for your loss - that's a real bummer.
Well, I'm a Canon guy and that's all I ever recommend. I have a t1i that I really like, then there's the
t2i, t3i and t4i. The 4 is Canon's latest model you might want to check it out. It's about $1, 250 and an excellent camera.

I would step up to the D7000.

The Nikon D7000 is the logical choice.http://mansurovs.com/nikon-d7000-review

Well they're doing new for old, so you may as well get a D7000+18-105mm kit lens, which if you don't like you could sell on for more or less the same money and get something else. Not really worth getting a D300S, as capable as they are, I always have that nagging feeling that it should really be updated soon. Likewise the only Canon cameras worth considering either won't match up to your D90 or are getting long in the tooth or second hand, much as I like the 7D it's just doesn't do it for me like my 1Ds mkII.
Alternatively, add in your own input and you could invest in a D700 and 24-85mm F3.5-4.5G ED VR which would be a totally different world.

Sorry to hear. Seems like the insurance company is low-balling you a bit as that is an expensive lens. I doubt you will be happy regressing to the 18-105mm lens.
However, check with Nikon in your country. In the US Nikon currently is running rebates until Aug 25.
You can get the D7000 and 18-200mm lens for USD $1, 800 or the D90 with the 18-200mm lens for USD $1, 550.
While you will probably still be happy with a new D90, why not pick up the D7000 if it is within the budget?

Nikon d7000 or you could wait for Nikon d400, which is due soon.
If you do not have any Nikon lenses, you may also consider Canon 7d, just for a change, but d7000 is definitely as good.
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