Nikon SLR Cameras

Unable to play. MOV files on Windows Media Player?

Emma Maltman
Emma Maltman

I have a Nikon D3100 digital camera that I use to shoot HD video. I don't have an HDMI cable for the thing, so I just pop the memory card out and stick it in my computer. All video files are then stored to my computer as. MOV files. My version of Windows Media Player can't read these files. What should I do, because this is getting really annoying.

Added (1). I don't just want to play the video files, I would like to edit them. I'm a filmmaker, but an admittedly unseasoned one, so yeah, I use Windows Movie Maker. WMM won't read. MOV's. I'm quite comfortable with WMM and don't really want to teach myself how to use a new editing system. If I could just make WMM read. MOV's, that be spiffing.


You will need to download the QuickTime player.


All you need is the codec to play it
download the mega pack its free


Do You have itunes If you do You can use Quicktime movie player to view these files I had the same problem there's also video converting software you can use to convert the files to play in any media player but that takes time the easiest way to resolve this is use quicktime media player If you Don't have it here is a link to download it

Nate M
Nate M

Just download GOM Player. It will play almost any video file and I use on for everything when it comes to playing video files that others can't. Just go to site in my sources. It's a free program.