Should I upgrade my Nikon D3000 for a D90?

Just got ahold of a D3000 today. I'm new to DSLR photography. Should I sell my D3000 and invest in a D90?
I'm thinking of doing this because in about a year I might want to upgrade and at that time the resell value of the D3000 will go down so I might as well sell it now and pay the extra for a D90 that will last me… Much longer!
What do you guys think? Is it worth it?
Added (1). Sorry guys I meant to mention that I DID NOT buy the D3000. Somebody gave it to me for free.
Added (2). One reason why I'm leaning towards the D90 is because of the built in AF motor. I could use a lot of older lenses that are much cheaper… (in the long run)

That makes no sense to me but hey, it's not my decision is it.

Unless there's a feature that you need, there really is no use in upgrading.learn first, and until you absolutely need a new camera, don't upgrade.rather, invest in new lenses- as they will make more of a difference when shooting.

If you're new to DSLR cameras, then by all means DON'T upgrade to a D90. The D3000 is a very capable camera. It lacks certain features like having dedicated buttons to adjust settings and CLS (creative lighting system). Learn with the D3000.It is a fully adjustable camera which allows you to be creative in ways you can't with a point & shoot.
If you were comfortable shooting in manual mode and understand what the main settings will do for you (ISO, aperture, shutter speed, white balance), you understand matrix metering and when not to use it, know how to control your focus zones, know how to deal with exposure compensation, know how to lock functions before composing, and perhaps need CLS - then you might be ready for the D90. The D90 is a complicated camera to use if you aren't up on camera functions and terminology.
Of course, if you use the D90 and D3000 only in the fully automatic or scene modes, you might as well just buy a point and shoot camera.
Your image depends more on the photographer than the camera.

The resale value of the D3000 will drop, true - but if you upgrade now, then the resale value of a D90 or D7000 that you might buy too will drop, and it'll drop faster (in terms of absolute value) as these are both more expensive cameras. So it would make sense - from a value-loss point of view - to wait.
Keep in mind, your D3000 already has lost much of its value simply by being not new anymore.
Also keep in mind that the purchase prices of a D90 or D7000 will have dropped by the time when you actually need one of these cameras.

You just got your new camera today? It definitely makes no sense for you to sell it. Try to get a feel for it first, so at least when you get to buy the d90 you'll already have the experience to use it better!
Ok with that information sell it and get a d90!
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