Should I upgrade my Nikon D3000 to the Nikon D3200?

I've had my Nikon D3000 for a while now and have been looking around for an upgrade. I already have some other Nikkor lens so I would like to stay with Nikon. Recently Nikon released the Nikon D3200 and it looks pretty good, but I'm wondering if it is worth it to upgrade from an entry level to another entry level? The Nikon D3200 has video which is something I would like, but what about the image quality? Is it really better or is it almost the same? Should I save up more money and get a better one? Or what about the Nikon D5100? Please give me some advice!

Nikon D3000/D3100/D3200 and D5000/D5100 series cameras are all entry-level, and I don't see a lot of advantage in "upgrading" to another entry level camera, as it will not be much of a step up for you.
I would upgrade to a minimum of a D7000. However, Nikon is sure to be releasing more new DSLRs this year; most likely a D600 ($1, 500 range full-frame camera) and hopefully a D400 to replace the D300s. Also the D7000 may be replaced too (by the D600?).
You already have a decent entry-level camera, so I'm thinking if you replace it, make a significant step up.

Image quality will depend on you. If that is your only concern, stick with your old camera and replace it only when it dies. If you want video, buy a camcorder instead.