Should I trade my Nikon D5100?

I'm really into filmmaking and I was wondering what other good budget friendly dslr's are there that are really good quality for filmmaking, cinematography, etc? & I know Canon is a really good one, but which model of Canon?

How do you know that Canon dSLR cameras can make better videos than your fine D5100?
Have you shot both under identical conditions using a script?
Here is a video shot using a script and lighting necessary to emulate the existing lighting but raising the light levels to make the video higher quality.
As you will guess, it is NOT the camera that makes the video, but the skills of the director, DP and crew that use their skills to produce amazing video.
Sure, you can spend big bux on a Canon 5D, Mark III, a few lenses and all the accessories you need to make a dSLR into a viable video camera, but without the necessary skills, you video will look no different than what you are producing now.
I hope you notice that there are very few takes that last longer than a few seconds. It took a crew of 18 primary individuals and the DP used four lenses.

Maybe you should look into a camcorder intsead if you are focused on filmmaking. DSLRs are great for stills and make great videos, but are very limited in the recording length of the videos (they can get too hot). If you want to make a full-featured film, then you will need lots of equipment and a full staff to assist you. Take a look at this link to help you determine if digital video is the direction you want to go:
And here is a really nice Canon for you to have a look at:
Or check out this shoulder mount Sony:

(I'm gonna give you a short straight forward answer and not a huge paragraph.)
Yes! Canon is a great choice! I have a Canon T2i myself. I think the Canon T3i would be the best choice because it has a swivel screen for good angles and etc. Also you can get the T4i if you want as well but it's like an extra $200-300 just for a touch screen. So you don't really NEED it. So yeah, Canon T3i is the way to go. Good price and Great Quality! Hope this helped!