Opinions on Nikon DSLR D3000?

I have had my eye on the Nikon DSLR D3000, but for some reason I feel as if I would be making a mistake by getting it…
It is always stressed about how "simple" it is, but I feel like the simplicity of it will be non-beneficial or something… I don't know, I have enough money to buy a brand new D3000 on ebay right now, but what do you think would make the most sense? I'm only 15 so I'm not SUPER serious about photography, but (not being cocky) I really do have talent and I'm sick of using my $80 digital camera that I bought at Target.
Kay, thanks guys!

Actually, if you don't know a thing about exposure modes such as program auto, shutter-priority, aperture-priority, and manual, then you have a long way to go. You'll need to learn what shutter speed, aperture, and ISO is and how they work together and affect your image. You'll also need to learn what the lenses' names mean. Learning how to use the different autofocus modes will be highly beneficial to you as well.
There's also the components that's related to the actual picture-taking process, such as paying key attention to lighting, composition, colors, etc.
The D3000 may be a "basic" DSLR camera, but it's fundamentals in operation is the same as every other more expensive DSLRs, including the ones that cost more than $2000. This is why, to improve your photography, you should start with a more user-friendly DSLR that can teach you all the basics before you can figure out for yourself which features you would want in your future DSLR purchase.
Have fun and good luck.