Nikon N2000 Lens mounts?

So I recently got a film camera from my friend. I've been using a D90 with these lens; 17-55 f/2.8, 18-105 kit lens, 50mm prime.
Will my 17-55mm work on this N2000 film body?

I think the 17-55mm is a DX lens like the 18-105mm. That would cause vignetting. It is also a G lens. I don't think the N2000 had electronic control over the aperture. The 50mm should not have a vignetting problem, since so far there's no DX 50mm Nikkor. If it is the AF-D model, then you have control of the aperture with the aperture ring. If it is the new AF-S G model, then, if the other two don't give you control of the aperture, this one won't either.
If the camera has no electronic control of the aperture, then a mechanical connection will hold the iris diaphragm open to maximum aperture when composing and metering, but when the shutter is ready to open the lever will let the diaphragm close to its setting. For a G lens with no electronic control by the camera, that would be its smallest possible aperture (highest f number).To get a correct exposure you could meter wide open and calculate how many stops you have to manually increase the exposure time to compensate for the aperture. For example, with the 17-55mm you meter at f2.8 and expose at f22. Slow your shutter six stops.

Only the 50mm will work the rest is DX which will vignet (Cause dark corners)