A good nikon dslr for beginners?

I want a Nikon camera, but I want a simple and easy to handle, which would be a good one?


Since all fully adjustable cameras work the same, whether you buy an entry level D3200 or a $40, 000 Hasselblad H4D, you will still have to learn how to balance ISO, shutter speed and lens aperture to get great exposures.
The least expensive Nikon dSLR is the current D3200.

I would recommend the D3200. However, no DSLR is simple. While you can start out in Auto mode, by not expanding your knowledge of how the camera works, you do not unleash the ultimate power of the DSLR. Rather by using Auto, you just have a glorified compact camera.
And at some point - with the two dozen or so buttons and knobs on the camera - you are eventually going to depress one by mistake. You will not know what you did if you can't figure out by looking a the photo what is wrong.
Therefore, I highly recommend eventually at least - learning your camera. A couple of good resources is to buy the NIkon video "Fast Fun and Easy". The video is specific to Nikon cameras, and describes most of the functionality. The video has changed over the years to keep up with the latest Nikon entry level cameras, so make sure you buy the one that covers your camera.
The second resource is the book "Understanding Exposure" by Bryan Peterson. It covers not only the basics of exposure, but also some fairly medium-to-advanced techniques. And when you buy the book, you are given a URL that allows you to go to Bryan's website for several tutorial videos.
If you buy the D3200 with those two resources, you will be well on your way to understanding how to fully operate the camera.

All dSLR's are basically the same. There's no easy to use dSLR. If you don't know how to use one, you can't use them all. You'll be forced to stick to Auto and use it like a point-and-shoot (and get exactly the same results).

Most camera for your money right now is the Nikon D3200.