Which cannon or nikon or sony DSLR camera is best for beginners?

I'm a photographer wannbe. I'm new to it. Which cameras do you recommend? Which brand is better for beginners? What points do i have to consider? Additional infos might be helpful too.

All three have good DSLR's for beginners. You should try them all out before making a decision because each of them have their own quirky design. Personally I prefer Nikon DSLR's and Sony comes a close second.

I'd give the local library a visit and have a flick through some photography books, you need to get an idea of what you want to do with a camera… And then work out what features will make getting those type of images 'easier'… You also have to balance how much you are willing to pay for these 'features'.
A basic DSLR camera can produce 'Top Quality' images… You just have to put more effort into getting the 'shot'… And it is much easier if you know 'exactly' what the 'basic' controls do. So learning about photography is your most sensible option… You can ask about cameras all day… And any of the contributors can suggest excellent models that perform great for them - that doesn't mean that they are the best option for you.
Great photos come from Learning… Not spending.

Sony DSLR is better.

All the brands you mentioned are suitable for beginners and you can add Pentax to the list too. They all have an automatic mode and provided that you ensure that the lens stays set on autofocus there should be no problems.
If you are already familiar with digital cameras and phone cameras then I think you'd find the Sony A58 easiest to get used to thanks to it's nice big live OLED viewfinder. Of course the others have live view (but a little more laggy) on their rear LCD panels. Their optical viewfinders make them easier to look through for a long time and are slightly better for fast moving action.

All DSLRs are basically the same - and don't forget Pentax, who were making SLRs before any of them.
Sony don't actually make DSLRs, their SLTs use a slightly different technology, which gives them the edge in video.
Just find a dealer and look at their entry-level models, you'll know the right one for you as soon as you pick it up.

Nikon, Canon, Pentax and Sony all make fine cameras. The best thing you can do is go to a store and get a hands on feel for the cameras in your price range.
And a trip to the library won't hurt.

Nikon is usually best for photography because they offer cheaper lenses. Most people who film with DSLRs use Canon. Sony makes a lot of camera that have features you usually can't find in the price range such as high speed or 4k.
But a lot of a camera is knowing what you're doing with it like being able to read the histogram and using the right F-stop

They are all good for beginners and most people here will recommend their favourite brand, so you won't be much wiser!
I recommend Canon, by the way.
Take a look at the various models around and read customer reviews. Go into stores and ask questions, handle and play with the cameras. Then pick the one that feels right for you and which is in your budget.

What's your budget?
Canon, Nikon, Sony, Pentax. Look at Rebel T3, T3i, SL1, Nikon D3200, D5200 and D3100.
Here's a How To Buy a DSLR - http://www.the-dslr-photographer.com/how-to-buy-dslr-camera-complete-guide/