Nikon SLR Cameras

My Nikon D40 is taking blurry pictures

Samantha B
Samantha B

Okay, so I have to go to my brothers military graduation in three weeks and all of a sudden my camera goes wack.
Here's the deal; when I take a picture and upload it to the computer they turn up out of focus or soft. They use to be like, mega-blurry and it had trouble actually shooting the pictures. And during someone's Christmas picture shoots? Not cool.
My lens is a 18-55 mm and I also have a 55-200. But it's worse on the 18-55.
Oh, and no. It's not on MF


Are you using a slow shutter speed?
Unless I have a tripod, I try not to go any slower than 1/60


This is difficult, I'm assuming that you are shooting on manual? And your shutter speeds are fast enough to not have motion correct?

I suggest bringing it into a camera store such as henrys or blacks.



Blur is caused by two things.

1) camera movement at slow shutter speeds.
2) subject movement at slow shutter speeds

The way around this with the lenses you have is to raise the ISO on your camera until the shutter speed is at least 1/250th second.

You just need more experience using your fine camera.

Have you considered taking a class in photography? A single class will answer a lot of your questions and reduce the possibility of learning bad habits.

Pink J
Pink J

Do what Think Tank said. If it's still NOT okay, then you should check your lenses or maybe your sensor for mold. If you do have molds, ask a professional service to clean it for you before it's too late.

Think Tank II
Think Tank II

Set it to full AUTO then test shot on a bright day. If the result is okay, you have a problem setting your fine camera.