Looking for a nice/cheap camera?

I've always enjoyed photography. I'm looking to continue my hobby more seriously though.
I don't want to spend more than $600.
I've been told that a Nikon D3100 is a decently priced quality camera.
Any suggestions would be great. Thanks!
Added (1). A camera that has an interchangeable lens would be best!

Hi, I have the Canon T3i, and I would highly recommend it, but it is slightly over your budget, especially if you were planning on getting a nice lens, but you could of course upgrade that over time. Anyway, the T3i is good, but if you can't get that I would get a Canon T3, it's like the T3i, just with some features like fast burst rates taken away. I haven't done research with Nikon, because I've never bought one, or considered doing it, only because I borrow my dad's lenses and he owns a Canon 20D (no longer made).

The nikon d3100 is indeed a good dslr camera for a beginner. It is also with your specified price range.
Nikon D3100 Video review