Is the nikon D7000 good enough to start out doing photoshoots?

Hi i'm starting my photography course and am needing a camera but being a single mum can't afford thousands so was looking at the Nikon D7000 is it good enough to do photoshoots with? I'm wanting to focus on babies and portraits thanks

Only if you know what you are doing.
Many of these were taken on a canon 500d. The Nikon equivalent is the Nikon 3100.
Start by understanding how light works.
I recommend the website.

"my photography course" - so are you sure you need a digital camera? Some courses require a film camera. Best to check with your course tutor just in case, they will be able to tell you what you need.
Any SLR is good for any kind of photography.

Hi Skye'
It not really a question of, is the camera good enough? It more a question of can you use it and what lens you use? The more all singing and dancing the camera, the more there's to go wrong or use in a poor way. You have certainly chosen a good name, most of my students use either Nikon or Canon, mainly because of reputation and reliability. I use Nikon from personal choice since I have been using them for about forty years. Since you are on a budget, you need to consider and calculate in the cost of the optics (lenses).in your calculations. Should you stay with Nikon, then obviously purchase Nikon lenses, since these are your future investment. DSLR camera bodies are continuing to be developed and improved so in future years they can be replaced as you can afford, or budget for.Both Nikon or Canon have a good after sales service which is also an investment.
Hopefully the course you intend to start will give you a wide range of stimuli (subject matter) to broaden your experience and understanding of the art or craft of photography.
My advice is don't be too selective now in your career, Unless you really want to end up in a shopping centre with some studio lights and a couple of background drops take baby pics for a few pounds a time. Wait and see what skills the course gives you.
An important tip I would give you is look after your lenses well and they will look after you! When you purchase a lens ALWAYS purchase a filter with it to protect the front of the lens. You can always replace a filter if you scratch it, but if you scratch the front of a lens, that means a new lens.
I do hope that this has helped you, should you need more info then put an addition note on your question and I shall get back to you
Best of luck for the future, Regards Frank

Yeah. It's a nice camera.

Why not look at a Nikon D3200?