Nikon SLR Cameras

Is my D3100 Faulty? Or could it be user error?


Recently purchased a Brand New Nikon D3100 but I'm having problems taking photos; could it be faulty?
I have followed the set up instructions as far as I can see but I just get totally black images… And yes I have taken the lens cap off! I have re formatted my 4 GB sd card and get the same result. The video viewfinder doesn't display an image either? BUt icons are displayed. Could there be a fault or is it user error? New to DSLRs so not sure if it is something I'm doing. Or whether the settings are correct. I have the same problem taking stills and video. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Added (1). Having messed around with various settings… E.g Aperture f 5, 6, ISO2800 with flash on & off. 55mm zoom. Even on Auto mode. Both indoors and outdoors in full sunlight I still get a totally black image.

Added (2). As suggested below. All auto settings on and picture of a car taken in full sunlight with sun behind me. Totally black images. Complaint lodged with Nikon and photos attached. Really hope I can get it sorted soon. Not amused.


Are you using the cameras light meter?

Here is how you are supposed to use the cameras controls.

Black or "dark" images indicate gross underexposure.


Set camera to Auto mode, Auto ISO, Auto white balance, EV to 0 (zero), AF on then step outside and look for a brightly colored car parked under the sun. Stand 10 feet away from the car and take a picture. If that does not come out right, return the camera to the store and demand a replacement.


Probable camera fault, if the linked thread is anything to go by.