I know nothing about cameras, but I want one and want to learn more?

Nikon D3000 10.2MP Digital SLR Camera with 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G AF-S DX VR Nikkor Zoom Lens
Okay, so basically i want this camera ^^
I want this camera for multiple reasons. & i've asked people for a good camera and most of them said this one. So can someone explain it all to me? I want to know about different lenses i can get for better quality and such. & hopefully you can dumb it down for me to understand. I'm sorry, i've done lots and lots of research but i don't understand any of it. Thank you so much. Also, if this isn't a VERY GOOD camera what other one should i get?

This camera is the best beginner camera. It will teach you the basics using the graphical tutoring interface. And the standard lens that comes with it is enough.

I'd get the D3100 simply because the D3000 doesn't have video, and the D3100 has HD video, plus a 14.2 mp sensor ( I believe - check this).
This is the camera I would recommend you get (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003ZYF3LO/ If you do end up buying it, please purchase from that link. It's a great deal, and it earns me a commission, allowing me to further help other beginners.
Now for an explanation --->
10.2mp means that there are 10.2 million little dots, or "pixels" on your camera's sensor. The higher this number is, the more detailed, and the larger your photos will be. These are like the lego bricks that come together to build your image.
The 18-55 is a standard "kit" lens, meaning that it comes with the camera. It's a perfect lens for beginners.
18-55 mm lens means that your lens "zooms" to distances from 18mm, which is considered "wide", or "Zoomed out", to 55 mm, which is still wide, but closer. It's equivalent to zoom on a point and shoot camera.
F/3.5-5.6 is the "aperture", or the size of the hole that opens up to let light in your camera. The smaller the number, the more light comes in. The also has an effect on depth-of-field, but that's a matter for another day.
"AF-S" simply means that the lens has Nikon's own brand of autofocus, which is good.
"DX VR" has no importance whatsoever to you, and can be ignored.
"Nikkor" is Nikon's brand of lenses.
Zoom lens is self-explanatory. It zooms in and out, producing closeups and wides.
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