I use my infrared lens and i get a black picture, why?

Okay, so i recently bought an infrared lens for my nikon d3000 and i wanted to take some pictures and edit them, but every time i focus right, put it back to manual mode on my lens, and try to shoot, i always get a black picture, and i want to know why, and how i can fix it to make it take pictures i want. It's super frustrating because i have watched video tutorials and read how to do it, and i put it at the right exposure and shutter speed, but always get a blank black photo.

All digital camera CCDs (The actual sensor, the digital "Film") are very sensitive to IR light. This is why All digital camera's over about $50.00 in price have an IR filter directly over the CCD.
There are instructions on line and services that will remove your IR filter and replace it with unfiltered glass (to protect the CCD) or replace it with glass designed to enhance IR photography.
You can do IR photography without modification, but you will need lengthy exposure times. Removing the filter allows for more normal shutter speeds.
Here is one of the bigger converter services, they sell DOY kits too:

- My Nikon D50 is focuses and snaps the picture but when I review the picture it is black?
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