How to view photos onn a computer taken with a Nikon D3100?

My friend let me use his Nikon D3100, and when l uploaded the photos, l couldn't see them. Do l need to download something in order to see them? It says l can't view it until i make a copy of the photo, and when i do, it says l can't make a copy. Can someone please help? The computer i'm using is a Windows 7.

Nikon cameras shoot either JPEGs or RAW files (NEF files). If the camera was set to RAW you will need some sort of software that can open it and/or convert it to JPEG (google "convert nef to jpeg" for that). Right-click on a picture and go to "Properties" to see what format it is.
If it was set to JPEG, you should be able to just save the images to your computer and look at them there. You can just open up the window where they are and drag & drop them to some destination on your computer.

The question is where did you put them?
Usually you make a new file folder named for the subject and date so you can find them years later
Did you copy all the files to your computer or did you just make shortcuts?
What to do now?
* remove the memory card from the camera
* insert it into your card reader
* using the file manager (Windows Explorer) open the memory card and copy all the image files to the new file folder that you created (sample: DieselDrags092012)
* once all your images are safely on the computer, use Windows Photo Viewer to view them
* the next thing you have to do is format the card using the format feature on the camera

To view the pictures, download Irfanview. It's free.