Photos taken by Nikon d3100 with 18-55mm lens?

Photos taken by Nikon d3100 with 18-55mm lens?
I'm a complete begginner so I thought the Nikon d3100 would be a great dlsr to get me started, however I was wondering if you guys could send me some photos in general or artistic photos taken by this camera with the beginners lens so I could see what I'm getting myself into? Any further advice on cameras or photography would also be appreciated!

Picture quality depends mostly on user skill. If someone sent you a fantastic shot using the same camera and lens, there's no guarantee you will get the same result.
Advice? Here are a few.

Best thing is to get out there yourself and start taking pics. Experiments cost nothing in digital. Lenses of that zoom range are on most low to medium priced DSLRs of any brand - it's the lens range, not the camera model, that counts.

The camera is just a tool - the results depend on the skill of its user. You won't automatically get the same results as an experienced photographer, it takes years of practice to get there. Just like giving you the same brush and paint as a professional portrait painter uses won't automatically enable you to paint photorealistic portraits.
That being said, this is what the D3100 is capable of in skilled hands, with some post-processing

It will take you 6 months to a year maybe longer to fully understand your camera. Meantime borrow a book from library or buy one on the Basics of Photography.

Please refer to my answer in the Photography section.

When you go to a DSLR, it is complex enough that if you try to "wing it" without having any knowledge, you will not get the best results.
DSLRs are like Ferraris; in the hands of a skilled driver, they can win a race. In the hands of a neophyte, they will crash on the first turn.
This is not meant to discourage you, just the opposite; realize there's a learning curve and your photos will improve over time.
Pick up "Understanding Exposure" by Bryan Peterson, or look on-line. He has some of the better do-it-yourself tutorials for photography.

The camera body is the "brains", adjusting exposure and focussing. The real quality comes from the lens and the photographers skill.
People could send you a hundred photos but you will not replicate them if you don't use the same setting and lens.
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