Nikon SLR Cameras

How much would you pay for a nikon d3000?


It has a broken flash, but fully functional, just won't go down.
scratched lens housing but no scratches on, lens
and small scratch on viewfinder but doesn't effect pictures?




One might expect to pay anywhere between $350-500, but the broken flash seriously depreciates the value. I don't know what it would cost to fix the flash, but I'd certainly deduct that amount from the figures I just gave. I understand that you say it is "functional", but in terms of photography it is only partially functional and indicates other possible problems. Frankly, I would not buy a unit in that condition. Sorry.

Sam S
Sam S

250, buy it without the lens and buy a used lens that is in good quality separete for 50 bucks. The scratch will mess with your pictures



That is just the damage you can see! How did it get in that state! Dropped, thrown around, kicked across the floor. What damage has been done to the shutter? The sensor?

Don't touch it! It is a wreck!