How to remove RAW from my nikon D3100?

I accidentally changed my camera's settings and I don't know how to change them back. Answers in spanish are useful too.

Have you read your manual?
it is something you should know how to do before you even pick up the camera

Sounds like you don't want to read the manual, like everyone else on this site. But actually finding out for yourself makes you a better photographer! You will find the "raw" setting in the menu settings.
Contact Nikon or their web site for a spanish language manual!
Nikon 1-800-645-6689

This is one of the most common Question that gets asked here on YA about the most Basic Camera Questions.
Did you keep your Owners Manual? If So than Why haven't you Started Reading Your Owners Manual because so many times you actually can find the Answer to the Question Simply by Reading the Owners Manual.

Just choose JPEG or Fine. Check the manual for the exact setting to go for.