Nikon SLR Cameras

Going to college for photography?


Okay so for a camera I have a Nikon D70.Is that okay for college or should I get a better camera?

Chris H
Chris H

You're wasting your time and money. Not to be mean, but photography is NOT a good/reliable major. You should probably minor in something useful.


I don't know… The more expensive camera might cut into your ramen noodle budget. Seems quite entry level, though. I have a Canon T3I, which is also entry level, but I assume (having no better way to judge than tech specs and price) that it might be a better choice. Or, you could splurge an extra 400-800 and get a step up from that. I wouldn't get one that's too expensive though. Also remember that you will probably want new lenses as you go along, so don't forget to budget for those.

I say that the T3I is more expensive, but that's also because it's a few generations ahead. I think the D70 started out above $1000 (one of the reasons I only recently got into DSLR photography is the price points for entry level cameras have changed.)


Youtube the reviews

Bruce M
Bruce M

Background, I have a degree in Photography. I'm NOT able to get a job. I have to do anything I can
to make money to pay my bills and it is not often that a photo pays any of the bills anymore. EVERYONE who has a cell phone camera or digital thinks this is the way to make money.

Get a real degree with lots of business, accounting and marketing along with anything else you like OTHER then photography. If you passion for image making is still there at the end of your 4 to 7 years of college then you MAY find a way to use photography as part of what ever your doing.

Other wise learn how to fix cars and trucks. My friends who do that make 3x what I do some months.


It depends upon the school

Some schools start student shooting with film cameras for the first two semesters and then move into the digital domain.

You will have to ask your school what camera(s) you will need to complete the degree in photography.

The D70 is a fully adjustable dSLR, so you can learn all the fundamentals of photography with it, no problem.

You will need to take some classes in business and marketing to enhance your chances of eventually becoming a successful photographer. A working pro spends only about 15% of their time doing photography (planning, shooting and sorting their work) and the rest is marketing themselves and taking care of their business.

Here is a link that will help you understand what it costs to be a photographer, once you have your degree and spent about four or five years working as an assistant staffer or as an assistant to a working pro.


It will be fine for college photography classes. Don't buy anything until you get to school and they tell you what to get.

I do agree that a photography degree is pretty worthless. I went to school for chemistry and now have a very successful photography business.

Most of my friends with photography degrees moved back in with their parents and are still looking for work.


I have used the D70 and I have to say it's a good camera. You can start with that and keep looking on eBay and Amazon for good deals on a D80, D200, D300 or a D300s. If you don't have a good standard lens, I would suggest to invest in a 35 or 50mm f1.4 or f1.8. I just got me the D200 and I love it.