Nikon SLR Cameras

DSLR camera options - opinions/recommendations?


I'm a high schooler and a pretty advanced photographer for my age. I will definitely be going on to art school for photography. I plan on buying a Digital SLR with in the next few months so I can continue better expanding my portfolio. The only thing is I don't know where to start; I've been using the same film SLR for years.

I've been considering the Canon EOS 5D, Canon EOS 5D Mark II, Canon EOS 7D, Canon EOS 60D, or the Nikon D7000. I was hoping someone could compare these cameras/recommend one/give any advice whatsoever?

Also, what should I be looking for in a camera? I know bigger sensors are better, but how do I find that?


Here is a link that will show you how the sensors of those cameras compare


If you are pretty advanced already, I'd say just go straight for the 5D Mark III if you can afford it. When I first started learning photography, I bought the Canon 60D. As I became more experienced I continued upgrading. I would've saved a lot of money if I bought the 5D Mark II in the first place (now there's a new version out, the Mark III). Also, it's a full frame SLR.

Hope that helps a little!


Look at the Nikon D800


Since you mentioned the 7D, I think I found a great option. Canon just announced the Canon 6D which is almost inbetween the 7D and the 5D Mark II. It will be released in december. Bigger sensors are better for low light, and the more expensive the camera, the bigger the sensor.