Does nikon d3100 have unlimited video?

I know it can only videotape for 10 mins, but i want to know if after you video-record something will you still be able to videotape 10 mins after a recording…
for example; on my canon powershot SD1200, i will videotape like a 6 min video and there will only be 4 mins left to videotape next: S
i want to know if on a d3100 you can record a ten min video and either a) have no more video-recording time left
or b) videotape more vids in a same-length as the previous video… Ya know?
i would LOVE to know because i want/need a d3100 for christmas cause i love photography (duh… ) and coldplay is planning on coming to america in later 2012 and i would LOVE to videotape most of the songs… And take pictures:3

After taking a 10, you can take another 10 You can take as many as you want, provided that you have the memory card space. Also, get either a d5000 or d5100 instead. They're much better.

You can't "videotape" with this camera, it doesn't use tape… Oh by the way, it doesn't do "filming" either since it doesn't do film.
Most digital cameras that do video have a restriction because of sensor heat. Too much heat and it starts to effect the sensor and other internal parts. So which would you rather have, a 10-minute restriction or a paper weight? I'll take the 10-minutes.

Video, videotape, film. I would rather watch the concert live with thine own eyes and watch whatever guys like Jim have shot professionally on video, videotape or film later at my house. That's because they have the passes to get near the stage and are given privileges to carry a camera that near to the artists. I'd pay enough bucks to get that DVD rather than do my own copy with lots of black bouncing heads in the foreground and tiny and blurred performers on the background with nothing really clear at the middle. Worse of all, whatever I will be able to capture, I'm pretty sure, I'd get more of the screaming beside me than the singing on stage. It's not worth my concert ticket. Not at all.