Does the Nikon D3100 camera have good video quality?

My parents recently got me a Nikon D3100 so I can start taking pictures and recordeding things. I've taken pictures and I'm getting better everyday, but I have yet to try the video option on the camera and I'm really wanting to. I'm just wondering is the video quality decent, good, great even? (Don't really care about the sound quality yet) I'm wanting to get into cinematic videos of cities, lakes, cars wildlife and things like that, mostly outside stuff. I'm wanting to document this cinematography on YouTube so I want the quality to be good for the viewers. I saw a video on the Nikon D3100 and the person in the video said it would be best to buy a better lens for the camera other than the one it came with, which really scares me because I don't have any money really, especially to spend on an expensive item like such. If you have ANY advice on how to make good to great quality videos on this camera (using the lens the camera came with) please let me know! And if you have any idea of what to put the settings on to make great quality videos let me know that as well!


It will have decent video quality. How you actually get good video quality is knowing how to script your video, edit your takes, lighting, composition, and knowing how to operate the equipment. You can have a $100,000 system and still make horrible videos if you don't have the skills.
Later on, you'll realize you need an external mic, perhaps lenses to suit your shooting needs, and lighting equipment and/or modifiers.

I'm confused! You have a camera in your hands capable of recording video but you haven't tried it yet, so you ask "is the video quality decent, good, great even?".
The answer is there in your own hands. Switch on video mode. Take some video and judge the quality. My guess is that it will be OK to very good depending on your skill level.