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Do you guys think I'm spoiled?


I really need to know. Well I just turned 13 2 days ago.
I have 6 converse, 3 high tops 3 low tops. I have 2 Nikes and 2 Adidas
I received an iPhone4S 32gb as my Bday gift two days ago from my dad.
I have a MacBook pro 15 inch
I have a iPod touch 4g white 32gb. I also have an iPod nano 5th generation, purple.
And I also love photography so my dad bought me a Nikon D7000 and a sony waterproof TX10 pink. I also have an iPad2 64gb white. And I have a lot of Mac makeup products. Oh I almost forgot that I also have a LG 42inch TV at my room. Ahaaa. I basically want to knw if I'm spoiled.

Added (1). Ohh, I almost 4got I also have a walk-in wardrobe full with HnM, Roxy and Forever21 clothes.
I also have 5 Roxy bikinis, and 4 bilabongs bikinis.

Added (2). Oh PS, I have a pair of JustBeats headphone by Justin bieber, I got it as my 12th Bday gift from my dad.


Yes you are.


No, you sound like your average 13 year old♥




That is a really stupid question


Quick answer: Yep.

Do you know what spoiled is for me?

$1200 Desktop
$600 camera


Yep. Totally spoiled.


Not if you give me something


Isn't it obvious?

Are you trying to make us jealous?


Why do you need a ipod touch, ipad, and iphone if they all do nearly the same thing? And your 13…


I don't really think what you have defines whether you are spoiled or not, but you definitely have been given alot, I think I had one or two pairs of shoes, I don't even think i had a phone, definitely didn't have a computer, or ipod, or camera, or ipad, or nice TV of my own at that age. Lol


Mission Accomplished.

I'm jealous. D:<


The fact that your parents let you wear bikinis at age 13 says YES.

Back in my day, all we needed was a Gameboy and a starter Poke'mon!
And a Gameboy Advance made you spoiled!


Wow you guys must be so rich I can only dream of so many thing well you are kind of spoiled I guess but as long as you stay humble it won't be problem! Don't become a *** or a brat because of that. But you are spoiled

Demolition Lover
Demolition Lover

No that sounds pretty normal to me, it more seems like you want people to tell you you're spoiled to boost your ego.

Oh and just because you own clothes does not make you spoiled. H&M and FV21 are also botH very cheap stores. Where i live you would be considered low middle class.


I don't know… Not really.
I have like six pairs of shoes that cost over a hundered bucks each, a 30 inch Samsung TV with dvd/VHS player, a 1999 VW Bettle, a Galaxy S Captivate, a Wii, a PS2, a DS, 4 large aquariums, 6 (real) parrots, a Dell Inspiron 1545, a couple hundred books, a Affenpinscher <3, and a Electra Townie bike. Plus some other stuff ya know but that's just what came to mind…
I spend all my money on books and fish stuff so I COULD have more stuff I guess, but my fishies like having very nice aquariums! Lol.

Oops, forgot to mention age--- I'm 16


Yes. You are definitely spoiled. There's a Huge difference though in being spoiled and acting spoiled. If you think that you deserve all of this stuff and don't appreciate how very lucky you are and feel that you are just entitled to everything- than that is the worst kind of spoiled. On the other hand- if you truly appreciate how lucky you are- that most other kids on the planet your age will never come close to having what you've got-- and if you work towards deserving these things- then that is a slightly better form of spoiled. I just hope you realize that most of the world is struggling right now for simple things like food and a roof over their heads and warm clothes. Please be greatful for what you've got, and if you want to truly feel good- do whatever you can to help others in need. Then- you will feel fulfilled and like a positive member of society.

Abdul Kadir
Abdul Kadir

Not really

as soon as i turn 18 my dasd getting me a ferrari enzo
i think he said it will be full chrome too

Hi there
Hi there

Wow. Makeup at your age. I never cared about the stuff until I was 16.

I think heaps of kids are getting all that stuff nowadays anyway(especially with kids understanding more about technology), so us older people would think you'd be spoiled, but you definitely wouldn't be alone, so I think it's more of your generation(In the western world, that is).
It's pretty interesting how the definition of "spoiled" changes with time.

@TheCovertConverser: Omg you're right when I was 12/13, all I cared about was owning a gameboy advance and Pokemon too, and it did make me feel spoiled!

