Nikon SLR Cameras

Digital slr camera recommendation for beginners?


I prefer from nikon or canon. I was thinking d3100? 5100? D90? T4i?

I'm trying to make this a hobby of mine.
I'm a beginner but would like a camera that can expand beyond the basics. I want one with high performance and lasting durability. I don't know if years matter but 2011-2012 would be my preferable choice?

If you are very knowledgeable in this field, can you list some DETAIL recommendations?
What is aperture? What lenses is the best?


A Digital slr is known as a DSLR in the photography world. The nikon d5100 a excelent and decently priced camera for beginners. Anything more and you will be completely lost. Aperture is the balance of light in the intake when the shutters close. So basically its the ammount of light it take in. If you mess up the aperture, the entire picture will not come out.So, the shutter closes at a really fast speed, such as for sports, it has less time to take in light so you are going to need to ballance the aperture with that, therefore needing a greater aperture. For something such as fireworks, you need a very slow shutter speed and a VERY low aperture. If you are new to it, i would strongly suggest just your run of the mill digital camera to start. It takes a lot of time to get familiarized with DSLRs and SLRs.


50mm For head shots, photo shoots
Wide angle lenses for landscapes
35mm Prime is the best in my opinion


"What is aperture?"… The size of the opening that the aperture leafs on the lens make that determines how much light enters the camera and also determines the DOF (Depth Of Field)

"What lenses is the best?"… What size car/ hammer/ screwdriver is best? The one that does what you need it to do. That is one of the reasons photography is NOT cheap. I have about 10 lenses for my camera, and at any given time I will carry 4 to 6 of them to handle any of the situations I may need them for.

" I want one with… Lasting durability."… ALWAYS use the neck strap properly anytime the camera is not in its padded, protective case… And treat the camera like it is worth something. I have seen people just toss their DSLRs into the backseat (or trunk) of a car and let it roll around, and I have seen people carry their cameras around by the neck strap in their hand with the camera swaying back and forth hitting/bumping into things. Things like that can damage a camera.

Both Canon and Nikon make nice cameras. The best thing to do is visit an actual camera shop (not bestbuy/walmart) and try the different models within your budget to see which feels the best to you AND they can answer your questions about the cameras. I bought a Canon for its ergonomics/feel/menu and control layout and a fellow photog chose Nikon for the same reason… It is about personal preference.

The one thing to remember is to budget in extra money to cover an extra battery, memory cards, camera case, a USB memory card reader, and taxes (these can add another $200-$250 to the entry level camera price).


This kind of question gets asked dozens of times. My fingers are too sore to type a long explanation. Just go with the D3200.