Any good Digital SLR cameras for beginners?

Long story short, I've been looking into getting a new camera later into the year. I was set on a Canon SX30 is earlier, which isn't an DSLR camera, but I thought it would be pretty decent because of the super zoom and all of the features that it came with. I've heard a lot of great reviews, and for the price, it should be a pretty good deal. But lately, I've been interested in getting a DSLR camera. I've never done much photography and I'd be getting a new camera for the purposes of recording HD videos, but I'd also probably have a knack for photography if I got a new camera. I've been looking at the Nikon - D3100 14.2-Megapixel Digital SLR Camera and the Canon - EOS Digital Rebel T3 12.2-Megapixel Digital SLR Camera. Both seem to have pretty good reviews and Nikon and Canon are reliable. But I'd like to ask if anyone knew of any other cameras that are in a reasonable price range and have good quality. And if you have any advice about getting additional things when buying the camera, that'd be great, too.

Any dSLR is good for a beginner, since no matter what you pay for it, they all work the same, whether you pay $700 for the fine Nikon D3100 (which by the way has a built-in user guide) or the $43, 000 Hasselblad H4D.
Here is how all fully adjustable cameras work. It is a balancing act using the cameras ISO, shutter speed and lens aperture settings to produce the best possible exposure.

Canon EOS 50D is great cam for starter in the dSLR world

Chose your brand now. If you are like most people, a DSLR eventually becomes a system after you start adding more lenses, perhaps a flash, and so on. You don't want to change brands a couple of years from now and take a huge financial penalty from having to buy new lenses (if indeed you do buy additional lenses), just to save a few dollars now.
Always look forward, 2, 3 or 5 years from now. Base your purchase decisions on that.

D3100 is great, T3 is a bit cheaper but with less features. Both are reliable and good, there's no better brand. Pentax's K-r is also good, but the brand is a bit less popular (due to lower advertising).
Here's a DSLR Buying Guide -