Digital SLR Camera Help- Taking photos of sunsets?

I'm new to photography, and I have recently bought a Nikon D60 Digital SLR, with a 55-200mm non VR lens and an 18-55mm VR Lens. Which lens should I select to take a good photo of a sunset and how do I take a good photo (of a sunset)? Cheers

I would use 18-55 to get more of the scene and the 55-200 to get a closer and detailed shot. They both would work, try both and chose what you like better!

Most sunsets are shot using a wide angle lens, so using the 18-55 mm at 18 mm would be the first step you need to take.
Next take your cameras white balance out of "auto" and set it to direct sun. This will produce a more accurate colour found in sunsets, the reds, oranges and other warm colours.
Look on page 52 of your user manual