Digital camera expert's help needed, which digital camera should I go with?

I'm on a tight budget($175) and want to get the best value on a digital camera… Notice one have a 3 year warranty on it but the other doesn't… Which is the best value for the price?
Cam 1
Cam 2
PS. I'm not goint to add warranty on the nikon because it would be too much $, I just need to know which is the best value.

This Comparison awards it to the Nikon
But this to the Fuji
A really telling feature of the Fuji, may be the electronic viewfinder, and the full manual mode, and the greater zoom range, giving the Fuji more claim to be a "bridge" model than the L810.
On the other hand, the L810 has a better screen, though still poor in bright outdoor conditions, and some trick modes for panorama and 3D stitching.
It's quite a bit smaller and lighter than the Fuji.
Don't forget, you'll also need batteries (both are 4x AA type, Alkaline, Lithium (longest life) or NiMH & charger) and SD/SDHC/SDXC card.
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