Nikon SLR Cameras

Compact Digital Camera?


I'm a semi-professional photographer currently working towards a BFA. I have a Nikon D80 as well as a few film slrs and a canon compact camera. I'm extremely disappointed with my compact canon and I'm looking for a replacement. I leave for Rome in two weeks so I need something As soon as possible. I'm concerned I will be targeted carrying around my dslr everywhere so I need a small compact that takes high quality photos! I'd like a good zoom and at least 12 mega pixels… Does anyone have any advice?


If you are a semi-professional photographer, you'd know that megapixels don't really matter that much. Besides, your D80 is only 10 megapixels and it gives very good results already doesn't it?

For good quality compacts, I recommend you look into Panasonic LX5, Nikon P7000, Samsung TL500, Canon S95, and Canon G12. These cameras will give you the very best image quality for point-and-shoots, unless you're willing to pay for a Leica X1 that will cost you $2000 and doesn't zoom.