Nikon SLR Cameras

Can you use a canon USB cord on a nikon?


I recently got the nikon d3100 and it didn't come with a photo uploader cord but i'm just itching to get my new photos on the computer! I tried an old nikon cord and it didn't fit, but when i used an old canon cord with the camera it fit perfectly! I haven't plugged it into the computer yet though because i;m afriad i could possibly damage it?


There's a Very Simple way to get photo onto the Computer which is the preferred way by many of Us Regulars is to Use A Card Reader.

Just Connect the Card Reader to the Computer. Remove the Memory Card from the Camera. Insert the Memory Card into the Card Reader and then Start Downloading Process. It's That Simple. Plus Card Readers can be found at many Electronic Stores and doesn't cost that much and also Card Readers can be used on so many different Computers.

Jeroen Wijnands
Jeroen Wijnands

It may get canon cooties but beside that it will be fine.



The 'U' does stand for 'universal'.