Can you bring a DSLR to Sonar in Baltimore?

I'm going to a concert on May 4th at Sonar in Baltimore, MD. I was wondering if they will allow me to bring a Nikon D3000 in for the show. The lens I will use is the standard 18-55MM lens. I might also try to bring my 55-200mm.

I don't think they will let you bring a camera in. Here are a number of reviews and you might get more information there.

Whether or not you can bring a camera into a venue is usually an ARTIST issue, not a venue one. It is not the venue that stands to lose or gain anything from your images; it's the artist's.
From my experience, venues will only set photography rules if the artist requests it. (Which doesn't mean it's uncommon). The best advice I can give is to call or email Sonar. Especially since they're such a small club, I would imagine that they would only have a policy if it were requested by the performer. Just be sure to let them know when you contact them who you are going to see and on what day.