Can you bring a DSLR camera into a NBA game?

So i have this Nikon D3100 camera & i will be sitting courtside. Can i bring it? Its one of those $500 cameras? Going to a Sacramento Kings/Phoenix preseason game.

This is one you need to check with the arena on. I take mine to the Phillips arena in Atlanta every time I go.

Yeah you should be fine. If not, bring a digital camera in case.

You should check the teams website for their rules regarding cameras. Most NBA arenas won't let you bring in "professional camera equipment", but I have no idea how they define that. There are further restrictions on flash photography, telephoto lenses, and taking video. Heres what the Suns website says:
All policies are event specific, so please call 602-379-2060 to verify prior to coming to the event. No professional camera equipment may be brought in for any US Airways Center event. For sporting events, no flash photography or video is permitted. The US Airways Center is not liable for any damage to cameras brought into the US Airways Center.

As a photographer who shoots the Sacramento Kings games, I've seen plenty of DSLR's brought into the game. In fact, when I go as a fan and not as a shooter, I just bring my DSLR right in. The security folks will check the camera bag, of course, and no video cameras are allowed.
Have fun, I might see you there.