Can't import video from jvc to macbook?

I just bought the jvc gz-hm300bu everio. I can't install the software with the disc provided. I tried to search for it online but had no luck. The sd card i'm using, i also use for my nikon d5000. When i connect the camera to my macbook the photos/videos from the nikon appear to be imported but not the ones from the jvc. What am i doing wrong?
any help is greatly appreciated.

First, you've discovered the usual "it won't run on a Mac" problem with a lot of camcorders' "media browsers". The good news is that you can just use a USB card reader for your SD Card flash memory to transfer the video files to your laptop.
The bad news is that you don't wanna be a "cheapskate" when it comes to trying to "share" SD Cards between gadgets! (No offense intended.) Each brand (and "type", e.g., camcorder versus still camera) of flashcard-enabled gadget uses its own "file system" and folder/sub-folder structure.
Initially, when you first insert a brand-new SD Card into your Nikon, it "formats" the card with a set of folders that its "firmware" (kinda like its Operating System) will understand and know where to put things. (This is similar to the Windows OS versus Mac OS file system that has been problematic over the years.)
Since the D5000 is primarily a "still camera" that also takes videos, its folders are created and named with that in mind.
The JVC Everio, on the other hand, is primarily a "movie camera" that also takes still photos, so it has a differently-named folder structure. Not to mention that video camcorders usually require a "faster" (higher Class number, e.g., Class 6 or Class 10) card to properly keep up with fast video data rates. (Some Nikon still-cameras require fast cards, too, when shooting in burst-mode for the same reason.)
You can see why you should just "bite the bullet" and spring for a second SD Card, and not mix the two between your cameras. Nowadays, SD Cards in the Gigabyte+ range are so affordable (under $10 in many cases) that "sharing" is not a good approach to video & photo data storage.
hope this helps,
--Dennis C.
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