Can a Nikon lens fit on a Leica R8?

I have found a Leica R8 but I currently have a Nikon D50 so I have all Nikkor lenses. Will these lenses fit on a Leica?
Added (1). Well I didn't exactly "find" it haha. My dad is a retinal photographer and he used to use film cameras but now he only uses digital now.

Whoa, Chelsea, where did you FIND an Leica R8! One doesn't typically find those just laying about…
The Leica R8 is n R mount camera. The Nikon D50 is an F mount camera. Typically lenses are not interchangeable between major manufacturers, at least not without special adapters which often reduce the usability of the lens.
Generally, if you want to use this R8 that you "found," you'll have to "find" a Leica R mount lens for it!