Are cameras on eBay fake, Nikon D3200?

I'm worried for a few reasons, I think I'm over worrying like I always do.
1) If the Nikon D3200 has manufacturer warranty in the US, it has to be real right? Fakes can't have warranty. Or can people put fake parts inside and have the code on it?
2) He has 98.8% positive feedback and I've checked and people have written positive things about the camera.
3) How does he get these cameras? Is how he gets it risky? Or is there a LEGAL way for him to sell these cameras?
4) He does not accept returns, but most, I think all don't accept returns and I'm covered by Ebay Money Back Guarantee.
I usually worry over things like this a lot so if you can help me out that would be great.

Same answer as I gave you yesterday.
Avoid him.

Fake cameras are too expensive to make.
What the issue may be is that 1) they are selling grey market products or 2) are selling you just the camera, but none of the bits that come with a camera directly from Nikon or an Authorized Nikon dealer. When you later need a battery, batter charger, lens and body caps, USB cords and the other "in the box" items, they over charge you by sometimes as much as 500% for each of them.
Vinegar Taster is right. Are you going to ask this question until you get an answer you like?
Sure I guess we could lie to you and say, heck, go ahead, spend your money and enjoy the grief
EDIT: How much do you expect to save by buying this camera from this eBay guy? Here is what Nikon sells the camera for and it is the price you should expect to pay anywhere else, $480 with 18-55 mm lens with all the bits in the box.

There are no fake cameras.
They are all original. With Nikon, there are gray-market cameras. Nikon is very strict with distributorship areas. A camera bought from one distributor zone can't be serviced at another zone. You either have to bring it back to the store you bought it from or you send it to Nikon's off-shore international service center. This is the reason it is best to buy from a reputable store nearest you, not online or from abroad.