Nikon SLR Cameras

Is the NIKON D3200 Digital SLR Camera with 18-55 mm VR Zoom Lens any good?


I've never touched a dslr before and want to begin!

Vinegar Taster
Vinegar Taster

It's one of the best entry level cameras currently available.


Its better than good. A lot of folks try to portray canon and nikon kit lenses as dirt but that is just to show off their knowledge, unless they are true professional photographers of course.
But the thing is if you are a new to DSLR photography there's nothing better or cheaper that to start off with a kit lens, you can always upgrade. Also these lenses hold value, you can always sell them!


Yes, but at the price, you're getting close to the mid-level Pentax K-30.


All cameras can only be as good as its user.

If you don't know how to use a dSLR, you won't know how to use them all. All dSLR's are basically the same. After buying the camera, learn photography. Just be warned. The 18-55mm isn't as versatile as compact zoom lenses but has better quality. You only need to know how to use it properly. The dSLR is best used by walking around to find the right angle of view to frame the shot not nailed into the floor and use zoom exclusively to get nearer to the subject.


It is an outstanding entry level DSLR.


I bought this as my first digital slr because I only really used film before-its really great! The camera is amazing! The kit lens isn't that great, so I just ought the body and got the kit lens second hand from a friend so it was cheaper. I'd recommend doing that, because now I rarely use the 18-55mm lens, I use a 50mm most of the time!