All purpose Nikon lens? - 1

I need a multi-purpose lens. Excluding zooming, I will simply use it for outdoor, indoor, portrait shots. Shooting macro photos is very important. Would I be able to do everything the 35mm lens can do with the macro 40mm lens?
Added (1). For a Nikon D3200 camera
Added (2). I'm also getting this lens particularly just for far away shots
Added (3). Am I just better off getting a 18-55mm lens?

If you are using a DX sensor camera, the 40 to 50 mm range macro lens would do fine. It may not be that fast to be used indoor unless you bump up the ISO setting, but since your priority is close-up photos, this will do.

The all purpose or single lens solution as they are sometimes called is the Nikkor AF-S 18-200 mm lens
With it you can shoot wide angle landscapes as well as sports, action and some wildlife
The two lenses you mentioned are prime lenses so you would have to use your feet to compose your images.
Since you probably have a 18-55 mm lens, just tape it at 35 mm and later at 40 mm and try shooting with only those focal lengths. I'm sure you will see right away why most photographers use zoom lenses.
I have only three prime lenses in my kit and they are used for specific things
60 mm macro lens
105 mm portrait lens
300 mm sports lens
The rest are all zoom lenses
14-24 mm
18-200 mm
24-85 mm
24-70 mm
70-200 mm
70-300 mm
200-400 mm

If you are starting out it is hard to go wrong with the 18-55 zoom. Priced right, most used focal lengths, compact size. Excellent lens. You can always buy more lenses later. The point of owning a DSLR is owning several lenses.
Add the 55-200 later.
18-200 also excellent - larger to carry around, more expensive

18-55 is great lens.
and thats about it…
i warmly recommend it, for reasons those good people all ready said…
but, also, i would recommend
18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G ED AF-S DX
not that VR version… (/3.5-5.6G AF-S VR DX )
I had chance of using both, (non-VR for a quiet some time now) and i must say, VR is great function, but, on this lens, it doesn't grow to its full potential, and given the differences in mechanic, due to VR mechanism, i find non VR version much better…
at least on my D90.
Also, not long ago i got and Nikkor AF-S 18-70mm f/3.5-4.5 G IF-ED DX
and, boy… Its a fine glass… For the price, more then i could ever expect…
it is a bit on the heavy side, but, i love it, for all around, everyday use…