DSLRs: Nikon or Canon?

I'm getting my first DSLR and I can't decide on a Canon or Nikon DSLR. I've gotten used to a cousin's Canon but a friend says Nikon's the best camera brand she can think of. I just want a camera that takes good pictures. Any suggestions?

Canon is the best for camera.

Canon 60D
EDIT: Pentax kx would be fun. It comes in a gabazillion colours

I was in the same situation like you, and I buy Nikon d 3100! It is a new camera, cheap and a big deal in the market!

Nikon D3100 is a good budget DSLR and if you need a camera with more options and can spend a little more, go for the old D90 and enjoy high quality photography…

I suggest that you go to a store an pick them up for yourself and try them out yourself. What may be good for your friend may not be good for you. Nikon and Canon are good, but for better value don't forget Pentax, Olympus, or Sony! I shoot Pentax, and for the money, probably the best deal you can get. The lenses are astounding, the picture quality speaks for itself.
Yeah sure show all your new gadgetry like automatic hdr or hd video, but a Pentax camera does what an SLR camera is meant to do. Allow you to be able to take very very high quality photos (The prime lenses are out of this world), at a better price. (The newest Pentax models are incorporating these features, but they are adding these features for competition)
don't let a salesperson fool you with all the gimmicks. If you really wanted hd video, you'd get a good video camera. You're here to take photos right?

20 say Nikon, 20 say Canon. How does it help you? It doesn't, cause we all stick to what we have. Those who say one brand is really the best, doesn't know a lot about DSLRs
Here's a post called 'Buying a DSLR, what's important, megapixels, features, brand, price, quality and which one to buy - http://www.the-dslr-photographer.com/2009/03/which-dslr-to-buy.html
The site has many more tutorials, tips, reviews and guides!