Deciding between dslrs canon & nikon?

Photography is such a beautiful art it inspried me to take classes at a school.
So I was talking to My dad and he wants a Nikon Period.
& I, daddys little princess wants a Canon.
Does anyone know which Nikon camera I shall get that preforms like a Canon?
Nothing against nikon. Its great, but the colors are so dead. But at the same time a beauutiful nightmare.
I've checked flickr, he wants the d90, I want the eos 450d or eos 5d.
Help Please!
Auto & Manual please.
Added (1). Manual Dslr also.

All the colors can be changed. The difference is how the two manufacturers set their camera by default. If you know what you are doing, you can make a Nikon camera shoot like a canon (by default), and vice-versa. When, or if, you do RAW, there will be very little difference since no post processing has been applied.
If you can, try to get two D90's. The D90 is an older camera from three years ago, but still performs very well by today's standards. If he has not the budget for two D90's (assuming he will be paying for your camera as well), you can also look at the D3100 and D5100. Both of those are entry level cameras that perform exceptionally.
also take a look at the D7000. This camera replaced the D90 a little less than a year ago and it, too, has great success.
Without a proper budget, there's not much else I can say.
as for what you want, the 450D is a discontinued entry level model camera. The 5D mark I is a discontinued full frame, semi-pro camera. If you meant the Mark II, the current version, that is a great performer. $2500, body only.

Nikon & Canon cover about 80% of the digital market.
Both can produce magazine quality photos. If you don't know what you're doing, a $42, 000 Hasselblad can't help you. Cameras perform the same. It's the person behind it that produces good or bad photos.
The D90 is discontinued. If money isn't a problem, I'd go with a D7000.

Signs of the time.
As the others have said "Nikon and Canon are equal comparing models of equal skill levels"
If dad is buying, be appreciative.

The d90 is AMAZING. I know that won't convince you, but i want you to understand that it is definetely one of the best nikons out there